The challenge of advancing science
The most lasting biggest impact scientists make is likely not our own work but rather through the people we educate.
Education in the physical and life sciences is comprised from the text book knowledge that we transmit in the class room but also the practical skills that are taught. A huge part of becoming a scientist is the training conveyed during work on an original research problem as part of a doctoral thesis. Here, sound fundamental theoretical understanding, practical experimental skills are needed in addition to creativity, persistance and the ability to get over many difficulties and set-backs. Educators have to convey the wonder and joy of discovery to the younger generation.
To make a discovery or create a new substance never made before can give immense joy.
I teaching bioorganic chemistry as a Professor of Chemistry at the Free University of Berlin and the University Potsdam and train doctoral and postdoctoral scientists in the Department of Biomolecular Systems at the Max-Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam.
The chance to work with bright young scientists is not just a challenge on a daily basis for both sides, but it keeps me honest and opens the chance for me to “learning by teaching” as not just the student but also the teacher profits.
Former coworkers now in academia:
Former coworkers now in academia:
Professor Alexander Adibekian
University of Illinois at Chicago
Professor Rodrigo Andrade (deceased)
Temple Univ. (USA)
Professor of Chemical Biology Gonzalo Bernardes
Cambridge Univ. (UK)
Associate Prof. Siwarutt Boonyarattanakalin
Sirindhorn Inst. of Technology (Thailand)
Associate Professor Bastien Castagner
McGill Univ. (Canada)
Associate Professor Ricardo Castelli
Univ. ofParma (Italy)
Assist. Professor Sourav Chatterjee
Unif. of Bath
Professor Jeroen Codee
Leiden Univ. (Netherlands)
Chargé de recherches CNRS Mayeul Collot
CNRS Strasbourg (France)
Group Leader Martina Delbianco
MPI Potsdam (Germany)
Assist. Prof. Jose DePaz
Univ. of Seville (Spain)
Professor Matthew Disney
Scripps Florida (USA)
Assistant Professor Kerry Gilmore
Univ. of Connecticut
Professor Ryan Gilmour
Univ. Münster (Germany)
Professor Shinya Hanashima
Tottori Univ. (Japan)
Professor Laura Hartmann
Universität Freiburg (Germany)
Professor Sung You Hong
UNIST (South Korea)
Professor Mattan Hurevich
Hebrew Univ. (Israel)
Associate Prof. Jeyakumar Kandasami
Pondicherry University (India)
Assist. Prof. Takuya Kanemitsu
Showa Univ. (Japan)
Senior Research Officer David Kennedy
National Research Council (Canada)
Professor of Chemistry Raghavendra Kikkeri
IISER Pune (India)
Associate Prof. Daniel Kolarich
Griffith Univ. (Australia)
Professor Yong-Uk Kwon
Ewha Womans University (Korea)
Associate Prof. Chian-Hui Lai
National Chung Hsing University
Assocate Prof. Paola Laurino
OIST (Japan)
Professor of Chemistry Daniele Leonori
RWTH Aachen (Germany)
W3 Prof. Bernd Lepenies
LMU Munich (Germany)
Professor Chien-Fu Liang
National Chung Hsing Univ. (Taiwan)
Assist. Prof. Xinyu Liu
Univ. of Pittsburgh (USA)
Professor Tyler McQuade
Virginia Commonwealth Univ. (USA)
Assist. Prof. Petra Menova
UCT Prague (Czech Republic)
Teaching Prof. Nabyl Merbouh
Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Professor Toshiki Nokami
Tottori University
Assist. Prof. Shunsuke Oishi
Nagoya Univ. (Japan)
Professor Fabian Pfrengle
BOKU Wien (Austria)
Assist. Professor Bartholomäus Pieber
Professor Christoph Rademacher
Universität Wien
Professor of Bioengineering and Associate Dean Academic Affairs Daniel Ratner
Univ. of Washington (USA)
Group Leader Benjamin Schumann
The Crick Institute
Assist. Prof. Lidong Shao
Shanghai Univ. of Electric Power (China)
Assistant Professor Dacheng Shen
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Professor Daniel Varon Silva
Assist. Professor Sanapala Someswara
IIT Tirupati
Professor and Acting Associate Dean Nicole Snyder
Davidson College (USA)
Professor for Bioorganic Chemistry and Paleobiotechnology Pierre Stallforth
Hans Knöll Inst. and Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Associate Prof. Bridget Stocker
Univ. of Wellington (New Zealand)
Assist. Prof. Hidenori Tanaka
Kochi Univ. (Japan)
Associate Professor Mattie Timmer
Victoria Univ. of Wellington (New Zealand)
Principle Investigator Yu-Hsian Tsai
Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (China)
Associate Professor Ivan Vilotijevic
Univ. Jena (Germany)
Prof. Cheng-Chung Wang
Academia Sinica Taipei (Taiwan)
Associate Prof. Ping Wang
Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (China)
Professor Daniel Werz
Univ. Freiburg (Germany)
Professor Guozhi Xiao
Kunming Inst. Botany, CAS (China)
Professor Tomio Yabe
Gifu Univ. (Japan)
Professor You Yang
East China Univ. of Science and Technology (China)
Professor and Dean Jian Yin
Jiangnan Univ. (China)
Professor Yuntao Zhu
Jiangnan University